Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 2

**I'm posting this quick--we only have Internet for 20 minutes at a time, no connection most of the day.  More to write on our visits to YZM**

We started our day with a visit to Yezelalem Minch office, where we presented our donation to purchase sheep to the YZM staff.  The staff was very gracious and will be choosing which families will receive the sheep.  We get the privilege of traveling with them one day next week to deliver sheep to some of the families.  To be continued...

Later in the morning we met Samira, Mischa's sponsor child.  Samira is one of the 1400 children that YZM serves.  Her Dad brought her to YZM and we invited both of them to lunch at the golf course.   The golf course was full of beautiful flowers and a grassy area where the kids could play and get to know each other while we waited for our food.

Something that is very obvious to both Steve and I is the change in Mussie's personality.  Mussie feels at home here.  Maybe, it's the smell of the African air!  There has been a giddy-up to his step since leaving the airport.  He has been fun, outgoing, and full of energy!!  The little boy that walks way behind in America is now running.   He has shown great enjoyment to see people that look just like him.  There is a family staying with us at the guest house this week who adopted 3 years ago and is back visiting.  They adopted 2 older sibling boys from YZM.  Mussie absolutly adores them.  Wherever they go he wants to be nearby.  It's been really neat to watch him interact with Birtukan's children and her staff,  especially the guard who he loves to play baseball with.  We discovered he really enjoys baseball and wants to join a league when we get home.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 1

We made it!  Smooth flights!  All of our luggage with our medical supplies went through customs with no problems!

Here are a few pictures we took traveling from the airport to the guest house.



We spent our first day in Ethiopia relaxing at the guest house.  We organized our upcoming week, made our phone calls to our contact people, Mischa had an upset stomach and spent the ENTIRE day sleeping, the boys played soccer with Birtukan's sons, Jada fell in love with Birtukan's 1 year old daughter and carried her around all day, Emily worked on homework. and we were just plain exhausted from 25 hours of traveling.  We enjoyed our 1st coffee ceremony welcoming us to their country and to the guest house.  Birtukan and her staff made a delicious dinner of homemade Ethiopian style pizza (that means spicy) and french fries.  Then to bed by 8 pm. 


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We're off!!

**Donations Update:  In addition to the medical supplies, we raised a total of $5693.68!!  Awesome!!  Thanks everyone!!**

What do you think?  Can we fit all of our carry-ons and 8 of us...

into this...

only if we do this....strap two pieces of luggage on top!!  We did it!! We got 14 pieces of luggage, 8 carry-ons, and 8 people all in!!  Off to Chicago for a 6am flight!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Many Thanks!

A couple of years ago, through the journey of adoption, God placed a country in my heart, in my prayers, and in my mind that was impossible to ignore. I started praying BIG God-size prayers and he responded in BIG God-size ways. Revealing Himself clearly to me through His Word, my eyes began to open to the desire he placed in my heart. I have grown in my understanding of who God is and His love for the poor.       He is good!

I am so thankful to the One who has been softening Steve’s heart to the idea and nudging him to finally say “Yes!”               Praise the Lord!
(on Feb. 27 Steve actually said he was “looking forward” to going. That put a big smile on my face!!)

I am thankful for this opportunity to lead my family by faith and to teach our kids that God is everything in our lives. Through this journey, Steve and I have had the privilege to teach our kids what it means to truly follow Christ. (“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Right, Fischers!?!) To know Him, love Him, trust Him, and follow Him, no matter the cost. Because He is worth it!!      Praise the Lord!

We appreciate and are so grateful for your prayers and donations. It is because of your generous giving that we are able to provide many families and orphans a stable income, future without hunger, an opportunity to attend school, and proper medical care. We are making a difference in their lives! Thank you for helping us be the hands and feet of Jesus.     He is good!

All Glory, Honor and Praise belong to God!!  My heart is full of thankfulness because of His love and guidance I have felt each and every day. I am excited to watch the Hand of God move these next couple of weeks and to see lives and hearts change.  Everything he is to our family, everything he has blessed us with, everything he has entrusted to us on this journey, I AM THANKFUL!    He is good!

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." 

                                                                               Psalm 150:6

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Donations Update

There are close to 150 million orphans in the world.  We have had the privilege to adopt and love one, and soon we will be visiting and loving many others.
God is the Father to the fatherless and He is providing for orphans.  You and I have the privilege of being part of His plan!  Look at all that He has provided!  Amazing!!
In addition to the medical supplies that are being donated to the woman working in Korah, we raised almost $5000.00!!  Awesome!!   Part of the money was used to purchase additional supplies,  others will also be used to purchase formula for the babies living in Korah,  the rest will be donated to Yezelalem Minch to purchase sheep for the families. 
 All of the money and supplies that has been donated is a gift from God, given by all of you who felt inspired to give!
Thank You!!
"Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us."            James 1:27

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bursting with Excitment

Our trip is one week away and I am literally bursting with excitement. I immediately thought of Emily and her reaction to one of her Christmas gifts she received this past year.

For about a year and half, Emily has been BEGGING us for a cell phone. The answers have always been “not now,” or “you’re too young,” or “why do you need a phone so bad, you have an ipod that you face time and use for texting.” So when Christmas lists were being written this past year, I reminded her that she was not getting a phone, to make sure she writes other things that she wanted so I had some ideas. But because of some persuading that was done by my sister (who works at Cellcom) I gave in and bought her a cell phone. Which, of course, was kept a secret until Christmas day, when she would unwrap her present and SURPRISE!!...the cell phone she has so badly wanted for a long time! The look on her face, eyes wide, smiling from ear to ear, the excitement, her running up to give me a hug and a hugh thank you saying, “What? When? I thought you said No! You’re the best mom ever, this is so awesome!” Best mom ever. Those are not everyday words for a 13 year old. My 1st grader, yes! (Jada tells me daily I’m the bestest mom ever) My 7th grader, no! As a matter of fact, I think that was the last time I heard those words from her.

I have been talking about this trip since Mussie's been home. (which, by the way, was 2 years ago. March 17th was our Embassy appointment. March 20th we were home as a family of seven!) To finally be going back, is just so AWESOME!! I have moments when I want to reach up to God, our Heavenly Father, and give him a great big hug and say “Thank you, you're the best Father ever! You are making this all possible!” There is no greater joy than to know what He is most passionate about and turn that into our passion and then to ask and it shall be given to us. And that's exactly what I've done for the last two years, just kept on asking!! All those who ask, receive! Yes, my prayers have been answered, (that's why we're going back to Ethiopia) but more importantly I have been given a new heart! A heart that knows , His grace, His greatness, His majesty, His mercy and His love!– oh, He is so good!! I am truly blessed and so thankful that He is using me and my family to make His name known!
Steve was out of town this past weekend. Because part of his time was going to be spent on an airplane for 3 hours, I asked him if he would like to write something for our blog to share with all of you. So, welcome Steve, our guest blogger!

I figured it was about time for me to put my input in on the blog. As the lessor half of the inspiration of this journey, I will have to say, I am very excited about our travels.
Michelle has been so driven in her passion for the people of Ethiopia, one can only sit back and watch how God is using her in His way. It has been so fulfilling as a husband to watch Michelle's relationship with the Lord grow over the past 14 years of marriage. My prayer is that I will grow with her.
I have to say, I have not always been in favor of this journey, and have sometimes made it very hard on my wife to follow the path she has been put on. I was told by a very important person in my life, that on the day I said "I Do", two became one, and if God has spoken to her, it's just as good as speaking to me. We are one in Christ, and I see that more now than ever. I am praying that God will show me my role in this journey, but if not, I will stand strong with Michelle as we go forward, continuing to work hard to finance all that God has put on her heart. God has been faithful.
The outpouring of support has been awesome. God is using His people to take care of ALL his people. God did not send His Son to die for the sake of religion. Not for the sake of rules and regulations. He sent His Son for the sinners, the lost, for you and me! So we could have a relationship with God himself, nothing between. When you really think about it, how awesome is that! So, thank you for your support. As we GO, we will take all of you with us. We are just the sheep following our shepherd. I have followed many voices and have been pulled in many directions throughout my life, but I choose to follow the voice of truth, which says "do not be afraid."
Thanks so much for joining us on this journey!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Thoughts From The Kids

I'm excited to meet my sponsor child and hang out with her all day...I  can't wait to meet the people of Korah and give them the donations we have been receiving from our family, friends, and the families from Sunnyside Elementary where my brothers and sisters go to school...I think it's going to be cool to hang out with the kids at Yezelalem Minch, to play with them all, serve them  lunch, and participate in their Bible lesson...I hope we get to help pick out the sheep for the families at Yezelalem Minch, the ones that our family and friends are helping to purchase, mom says probably not, but it'll be cool to give the donations to Birtukan...I'm also excited to shop in a REAL Ethiopian market, not the tourist shops like we did last time...I also (sort of) want to try Traditional Ethiopian food(I was sick last time and don't remember it)      Emily

I am looking forward to going to Yezelalem Minch and playing with kids there     Nathan

I am looking forward to DOING EVERYTHING...I will tell you about some of them...I can't wait to fly on the airplane...I'm excited to visit Korah and visit with Birtukan and doing everything she has planned...spending time with Samira, (my sponsor child) and Emily's and Nathan' at the market...trying all the food with the different spices...and just spending time with my family    Mischa

I'm excited to go to Ethiopia!...I can't wait to go!...I want to see the sponsor kids smiling at us!...I want to see everybody smiling at me!...I am going to play and have fun!   Jada

I can't wait to see the people there    Mussie  

We're ready to follow You into the homes of the broken, follow You into the world.  We're ready to meet the needs for the poor and the needy, God.  We give all of ourselves to You!!  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

List of Medical Supplies

          ** Some people have been questioning “What are the items for the medical clinic?"
            And “Where do we send the donations?” **

The following is the list of supplies needed for the medical clinic that we’ll be purchasing and traveling with to Ethiopia.  These supplies are in regards to the Feb. 11th post, Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours.  The purchasing of these items will help restock the shelves in the medical clinic that is being operated by a woman working in the village of Korah.  She has emailed me the list and I would like to share it with you.  We want to be able to provide these items for her but we’re going to need the help of your generous contributions.

Anti-dandruff or anti-fungal shampoo
Hydrocortisone cream
Topical anti-fungal cream
Coban wrap
Acne face wash/antibacterial soap
Pill pouches - found in the medial supply section at Walmart or Target
Cough suppressant (ex:  Dextromorphan)
Children’s cough and cold medicine
Natural Honey Elixir cough and cold medicine for small children and toddlers
Adult and children multivitamins
Travel size toothpaste
Children and adult allergy meds ( non drowsy, like Zyrtec)

 I feel very uncomfortable asking for donations, but I have such a strong passion to “care for the least of these” that I feel it is absolutely worth every prayer, every thought, every opportunity I have used asking for your help.  We are asking that you purchase the items from the list or send monetary donations that will be used to purchase these items.  Please pray, and if you feel in your heart that you are being led to donate, contact me through email.  I will respond with the address to mail your donations.  I will update the blog after we have purchased and received all of the supplies.  I will also journal our visit to Korah and the time we spend with the children there.  I’m going to feel so proud handing her the supplies that she is in need of, knowing that our family and friends in America helped in such a tremendous way!!

Sorry to have to put a date to when we need the supplies, but with our trip fast approaching, I don’t want anyone to miss the opportunity to purchase a gift for our neighbors on the other side of the ocean!!  Anyone who would like to donate please send by March 15th!

THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  Your generosity is sooo appreciated!!

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.  As it is written:

                           “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor;
                       Their righteousness endures forever.”  2 Corinthians 9:7-9

               I thought I'd share the song that I was talking about in that same post.  Enjoy!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

our dreaded shots

As we waited patiently in the waiting room of the travel clinic for our shots, Emily says to me, “how much longer?   I’m starving!”  Not the correct word to say to a mom who is planning a trip to Ethiopia.   I look at her, pause for a moment and say, “Emily, you are not starving.  Do you know what the word starving means?”  She looks at me, head tilted to the side,  and says in a long drawn out way  “Mom.”   “You should look it up?”  I tell her.

Here is what she found:

Starving:  To suffer or die from extreme or prolonged lack of food

I’m sorry my sweet Emily, you may have been hungry, but definitely not starving!

Starving is a word we use way too often in our house.  When our stomachs just begin to rumble, we’re instantly starving.  After the conversation at the doctors office, we tried to “live in their shoes for a day.”  I explained to the kids that most of the families living in a third world country are surviving on less than $1.50 a day.  And with that $1.50 they need to purchase their daily food, (for many this will be one meal) soap for themselves and to wash laundry.  With no electricity, they’ll need to purchase some form of light for their evenings.  And shelter, how about sleeping on the garage floor tonight with a few blankets to share between all of us?   How about walking for who knows how far to get fresh water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning?  And then pick out one, maybe two outfits to wear week after week, wash after wash.  Oh wait, electronics!  What are those to the African children playing with dirt and sticks.   As we sat eating our oatmeal for breakfast that day, thanking God it wasn’t going to be our last meal for the day, we realized living in their shoes for just one day was going to be tough for us and how blessed we are to have all of the wonderful extras God has given to us.   Lord, help us to remember the people who are suffering.  Help us to never stop desiring to do something about it.  Help us to never forget  how good and gracious You are!  Remind us each day to pause and give thanks to you,  for continually pouring out Your blessings into our lives.

Here are a few pictures of the kids getting their shots that day at the travel clinic

But poor Steve (who has a history of passing out at the doctors office for such things as this, but gutting a deer or skinning a rabbit, no problem!).   He started out great.  2 shots down 1 to go.   He tried so hard, but the sight of that last needle got the best of him.  His head started to get dizzy.  His stomach nauseous.  Before he knew it, he was laying across three chairs.  He finished his appointment in that position with a cold washcloth on his forehead, wastebasket near his side, and a glass of juice.
Emily's re-creation of the appointment, Thanks Em!