Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Meet Hailab

The following letter is from our friend Lisa who is currently living in Ethiopia and is the communications director and co-founder of Elshadai Child Development Organization.  One of the children in her sponsorship program in no longer being sponsored by his US family and she is asking for all of our help to find this boy a sponsor.

Dear Friends,

We have a little boy (who has an identical twin!) who is in need of a sponsor this year!  His name is Hailab Alemseged (see attached photos).  He is starting first grade and is 7 years old (birthday Feb. 27, 2006).  He is a very sweet little boy.  His sponsor has decided that they are actually not able to sponsor.  Please consider enabling him to go to school, have lunch at school, hear the gospel and receive medical care as needed with his twin brother Kaleb, who is already sponsored.  Their father has passed away and their mother is HIV+.  Please help us to extend the love and mercy of Jesus to this little boy!

The cost is only $40/month to sponsor little Hailab!  If you are interested in being his sponsor, you can simply reply to this message or sign up to be his sponsor on our website: www.elshadaicd.org (click on the "Sponsor A Child" tab").

Thank you so much for your loving support of Elshadai Child Development Org.!


Lisa Simon

Would you, or anyone you know, like to sponsor Hailab and change his life forever!  Sponsorship programs work!  It is an amazing way to help a child by providing them with some of life's basic needs such as nutritious food, water, medical needs, mentorship, and Christian discipleship.  More importantly, through your sponsorship,  Hailab will have an opportunity to receive an education, which is key to freeing himself from the vicious cycle of poverty.  Your love and support will make it possible for Hailab to grow spiritually, physically, emotionally and educationally.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for prayerfully considering sponsorship through Elshadai Child Development.  It brings me such joy to be able to advocate for all of the children living in Ethiopia and my prayer for little Hailab is that the Lord will stir one of your hearts and will use you to transform his life.  There is no greater gift than the gift of hope -- hope for a future, hope for happier days. 

"For I know the plans I have for you,"  declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future."         Jeremiah 29:11 

Email me at onefamilyonemission@gmail.com if you would like to sponsor Hailab.  I will forward your information on to Lisa, who will contact you soon.  Thank you!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

MOVE 2013