Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter

**The pictures below are graphic.  Caution to all the young readers--although all of our kids were there to witness**

A few nights ago I was talking with Birtukan about our trip to Korah and the sheep that we will be purchasing to feed lunch to the children there.  I asked her if they purchase sheep to butcher themselves or do they always buy their meat from the market.  She said they butcher only for special occasions.   (Christmas, Easter, and the New Year)  She said they roast the sheep over campfire outside.  As we continued talking I asked her if we could purchase a sheep for us to try here.  She loved the idea and thought it would be a great experience for our kids as well.  We decided to do the roast on Sunday and because we celebrated Easter in the United States on Sunday, it worked out to be the perfect day.  

Bright and early in the morning Steve and I went with Birtukan's husband, Nesibu, to purchase the sheep.  We needed him to help negotiate a deal.

                                                Deal Made!  $1550.00 Birr ($85 USD)

Thought we were there to purchase a sheep!  Looks like a goat to me!!
We ended up buying a goat instead because goats are cheaper right now.
Tying him up for the car ride home
Entering the compound
Ready to be butchered
Roasting over campfire

Flavor was delicious, meat was tough
Happy Easter everyone!!


  1. Oh my...I do not know that I could eat that after watching that! Not so sure about that experience! Cheryl

  2. Thanks for sharing that experience. Wow! You are all in my thoughts always. The stories you will have to share. Barb

  3. Marty and Karen FischerApril 2, 2013 at 1:22 PM

    Great updates, Fischers! It is great to see pictures of the scenery, the weather, and the culture. As much as I don't enjoy the sight of blood, the pictures connected me to what really happens. Glad everyone is feeling good and that Mussie if fitting in! We enjoy the updates and will keep praying for your family.

    Marty and Karen Fischer

  4. Wow, looks like you all had a wonderful time. What a blessing. Glad the kids had fun. Cant wait to talk with you about your trip. Praying for you all.

    Sarah Cullingford
